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12 Jul

The Meaning and Lifeblood of Words

  • "The Meaning and Lifeline of Words"
  • Event Date: August 19, 2023 (Saturday)
  • Event Time: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    文字的意義 與命脈The Sacred Archway of Longtan, the largest "惜字塔" (pavilion for the respectful treatment of words) in Taiwan, is recognized as a cultural asset of Taoyuan City. In ancient times, people revered the transmission of knowledge and the power of words, and thus, erected pavilions like the "敬字亭" (pavilion for respecting characters) or "惜字亭" for burning paper inscribed with characters. The Hakka people have always placed great importance on literary style, and as a result, many settlements have these pavilions.
    The Sacred Archway of Longtan is currently the best-preserved and largest "敬字亭" in the country. Next, we will head to the "73rd Public Loyalty and Righteousness Temple," where the tour guide will share detailed stories about the historical events of the "乙未戰爭" (The Yihwei Year War) and the tales of the Hakka righteous army.
    Lastly, we will return to the Longtan Dachi Trail, where we will explore the historical milestones of Longtan and immerse ourselves in the culture of respecting characters.
    Join us on this captivating journey as we delve into the significance of words and their enduring influence. This event is scheduled for August 19, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We look forward to experiencing the rich cultural heritage of Longtan with you!