
Face the Natural

Face the Natural

Starting from the concept of Xinwu Village as the land of fish and rice, this work inspires people to reconsider the relationship between mankind and the environment by means of the recycled and sustainable environment of farming land and water.

Material:straw plaited article


康雅筑 x 王昱翔

臺灣 Taiwan

Kang YA-CHU,An interdisciplinary artist of mixed materials, who questions the relations between human beings and natural environment as well as social issues through practice of arts. Her art research, based on cultural history of textiles and appearance of contemporary social behaviors, explores handicraft and physical labor, living condition and possibility of migration, as well as the relations between economy, trade and social structure, and also focuses on how modernity has impacted tradition, economic system and natural environment. Travel and experience of art residency have imperceptibly affected how she perceives the world. The themes of her creation are often reflected in borders and life process, which drives her to explore self-consciousness and the possibility of sustainable situations. She has published three volumes of Textile Map and participated in various art education projects in collaboration with communities.

WANG YU-XIANG  Straw weaving artist of Taoyuan.