
Wind from Afar

Wind from Afar

The artwork draws inspiration from traditional iron window gratings, featuring a pure white passageway formed by intricate grating designs. In these iron frames, the flat iron bars depict various landscapes along the Laojie River: the trickling water, bustling towns, and exuberant peach blossom trees. At the top of the passageway, the iron frame showcases a soaring airplane against the backdrops of tranquil ponds and flourishing farms. Walking through the passageway allows viewers to indulge themselves in the vividly illustrated scenes of the Laojie River in Taoyuan. The artwork highlights the inseparable relationship between local life and wider world through the metaphor of void and solid spaces and the breeze flowing through the passageway. It invites viewers to walk through and become immersed in the environment, encouraging them to set their thoughts free.

Material:Square tube, flat iron, anti-rust paint, white baked paint, acrylic, LED

Dimensions:(L)3 x (W)2.7 x (H)3 m

Yu-Yo Pan

Pan Yu-You excels in art through regional observations, employing unique ink brushstrokes and contemporary visual language to create a distinct atmosphere in his works. Through the transformation from two-dimensional to three-dimensional space, he alters people's perceptions of space, fostering new imaginations about the spatial dimension.