Mobile Art Installation Project



WAFFLE.COM is a stand vendor inspired by honeycomb.

Material:Composite media

Dimensions:Dimension variable


元智大學藝術與設計系 | 陸亦恒 x 簡嘉誼 x 吉雯倩 x 廖庭軒 x 王曉婷
Department of Art and Design, Yuan Ze University |

Yi-Huan Lu x Jia-Yi Chien x Wen-Qian Ji x
Ting-Xuan Liao x Xiao-Ting Wang

臺灣 Taiwan 


Instructor | Wan-Wen Huang
Departing from art history and basic techniques and combined with multi-disciplinary learning, students are encouraged to have independent, critical thinking. in hopes of cultivating curators of cultural and creative industry and of art with creativity and spirit of teamwork in an environment of internationalization, integration and specialization.