
Take a break

Take a break

In this artwork, objects, states, and bodies interact and write their own history.

Material:Iron piece, iron plate, one-way mirror, PU paint and artificial stone

Dimensions:3 X 1.3 X 2.2 m、3.5 X 1.3 X 2.2 m、2.9 X 1 X 3.2 m

C位體質 -徐瑞謙、侯竫珩、黃立穎 、江蕎勤
COMRUESTO – HSU Jui-Chien、HOU Chin-Heng、

HUANG Li-Ying、CHIANG Chiao-chin

臺灣 Taiwan 

Inspired by the concept of linking elements together, talented people from different fields (i.e., HSU Jui-Chien、HOU Chin-Heng、HUANG Li-Ying、CHIANG Chiao-chin) are brought together to spark new creative ideas.