
My LiLis

My LiLis

50 Lillis taken roots in Zhongli and 50 QR Codes bring forth 50 stories underneath, 50 portraits and many vintage photographs... Each Mr. Lili or Miss LiLi was or is an individual from Zhongli, possessing unique memory attached to this land. Through portraits and interview writing, we endeavor to summon every bit of the lives of the commoners, reflecting more images people of Zhongli all share.

Material:Portraits, Photograph printouts

Dimensions:Dimension variable


張瑋倫、龔芸 x 中平路故事館
Chang Wei-Lun x Kung Yun x
Zhonping Road Story House

臺灣 Taiwan

Wei-Lun Chang dedicates herself in the exploration of various forms of creative possibilities as well as experimental field researches and interviews for producing artworks; 

Yun Kung takes sketches of the stories on the streets of Taiwan via camera with recording lives of people as the theme.