
Family Portraits & Story Project of Xinwu District, Taoyuan

Family Portraits & Story Project of Xinwu District, Taoyuan

In coordination with the Student Art Program of Xinwu Elementary School, artists visit children's families and encourage them to draw their family. Different cultures and diverse backgrounds of the families are featured in the drawings.

Material:Composite media

Dimensions:Dimension variable


廖柏森 x 蔡奕勳
Bo-Sen Liao x Yi-Hsun Tsai

臺灣 Taiwan

Bo-Sen Liao works to discuss the various topics on authority- subject relationships and their social influences, who currently work and live in Taipei.

Yi-Hsun Tsai concerns himself with the psychological aspects of Taiwanese individuals in everyday life. The artist presents his works with multiple mediums from sculpture to poetry, who currently lives in Daxi, Taoyuan.